Thursday, November 30, 2006

You Can Do Something This World AIDS Day

AIDS FactsTomorrow, December 1, is World AIDS Day. And you can do something to make a difference in the battle to defeat the biggest pandemic ever to hit the planet!

Four churches in Santa Barbara, California, recently got together to assemble "Caregiver Kits." These are packets which provide desperately needed resources for families and health workers in Africa who are giving care to people living with AIDS.

On hand was photographer Mark Kuroda, who took these great shots of the attendees at work, writing messages of encouragement to the caregivers, assembling the kits and even praying over them before they went out.

For more of Mark's work, check out

Event participants write messages of encouragement to be included in Caregiver Kits assembled at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

Event participants assemble Caregiver Kits at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

Event participants assemble Caregiver Kits at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

Event participants pray over assembled Caregiver Kits at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

Event participants assemble Caregiver Kits at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

Event leaders pose in front of stacks of assembled Caregiver Kits at El Montecito Presbyterian Church.

For a more detailed list of ideas of things you can do tomorrow, see this page of 12 things you can do this World AIDS Day.

If you'd like to help build AIDS Caregiver Kits tomorrow, join Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, California. Other similar Caregiver Kit events are also being held at these locations:

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1 comment:

Mark Kuroda said...

Thank you for having me! It was a great event!